2D Merge, Human Demonstrations (Merge - Hand)

This module is roughly the same as MG, but the demonstrations are provided by a human joysticking the controls, so the behavior is significantly less predictable.

Try running the algorithm on the setup (or see snapshots/ for pre-acquired results).

Results are stored in out/.

Plots are stored in plots/. See:

We provide the observation model below:

    if (action == FASTER)
        acc = 4
        target_heading = atan((round(y) - y) / 30)
        steer = max(min(target_heading - heading), 0.02, -0.02)
    else if (action == SLOWER)
        acc = -4
        target_heading = atan((round(y) - y) / 30)
        steer = max(min(target_heading - heading), 0.02, -0.02)    
    else if (action == LANE_LEFT)
        acc = 0
        steer = max(min(-0.1 - heading, 0.0), -0.03)
    else if (action == LANE_RIGHT)
        acc = 0
        steer = max(min(0.1 - heading, 0.03), 0.0)