Updating docs

The source code for all the documentation can be found in {PROJECT_ROOT}/docs_src

We use Sphinx to create our documentation and host it in Github Pages.

Check out docs_src/index.rst for the layout of the pages (starting on line 6). That file will point to the source doc for each of the pages on the site. Everything is written in markdown currently, so when you find the .md file, you can add/change/create new pages in markdown.

Creating a new doc requires that you make a filename.md and then point to it in the index.rst file (similar to the previous docs).

You can use ./auto_build.sh to see your changes to the documentation site live (it will update your local version as you save files.) The service is usually hosted on but it will also tell you where the local version of the site is.

Uploading changes

1.) Run ./build.sh

2.) Run ./git_add.sh

3.) The files are now staged in git, you can do

git commit -m "Doc changes"
git push

and the website should update within the next 5-10minutes.